Club Meetings
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6.00 for a 6.30 pm start, at the Highway Hotel.
Email: if you'd like to come to a meeting.

Build a better world for women and girls
The Zonta Club of Bunbury, chartered in 1988, is a member of Zonta International, a human rights organisation founded in 1919. There are more than 1,100 Zonta clubs in 64 countries. Zonta is proud to have consultative status with the United Nations and work with its agencies.
Our mission is to work to build a better life for women and girls in the local community and beyond, through advocacy and service. Club fundraising events, grants, and sponsorship enable us to do this.
Zonta clubs are formed into districts with a Governor and District Board for administrative purposes. Our club is part of District 23 which comprises South Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia.