What We Do
There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, click on these images, and take a few moments to let your eyes linger here. Open the link to read more and see if you can get a feel for what we do. Our newsletters below will give you more information.
16 Days of Activism
25th November - 10th December 2024
Bunbury White Ribbon Day Silent March
​The escalation of recent ‘intimate homicides’ in WA due to Family and Domestic Violence reinforce how vital the 16 Days of Activism is to develop allies of all ages and genders to achieve our mission of ‘Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women’.
On the 29th of November, Advocacy committee members were joined by members of other committees for the Bunbury White Ribbon Day Silent March and the service that followed.
Zonta Bunbury made a real impact in their orange T-shirts and vests, with President-Elect Jo Lewis laying the club's wreath.
500 white ribbons produced with help from the Kingia Z club were distributed to the public.
2025 Respect Art Calendar Launch
7th November 2024
Image: Area Director Kimberley Robbins (left) and Club President Amanda Whittle with students after they received their awards.
On Thursday 7th November, students, their families, school staff and Zonta members met at the Stirling Street Arts Centre for the 2024 presentation of the Students’ Respect Art Calendar awards.
For the past three years, the Zonta Club of Bunbury has invited schools and students in Bunbury and surrounding areas to participate in a Respect art project. Students whose entries portrayed important messages about Respect were selected to be included in a 2025 calendar. The project aims to provide schools and students with a reason to start conversations about Respect, with the hope that children involved in the Respect Project will become “Respect Ambassadors” as they learn about what Respect looks, sounds and feels like.
Through “Respect Conversations” children also learn strategies to deal with disrespect if and when they experience it in their daily lives. Our club’s vision is that students will grow up to be adults who do not practise or tolerate any form of domestic and family violence.
Click on the circles to view the whole image and use the arrows to scroll through.
2024 Club Newsletters
Please note: Links to 'Read More' and photo galleries in the April and June newsletters are no longer accessible as we have a new website.